I am on my second time through Weight Watchers. The first time I lost 101 lbs before who knows what happened and I ended up gaining it all back plus about 5 lbs. This second journey is proving to be way harder than the first, but I'm hoping that bodes well for it sticking - forever. I can't go through that again.

Friday, October 1, 2010

avoiding the binge monster

Well I am down this week, but just what I gained last week. I hate to be a negative nancy, but I feel like that weight was just TOM weight. Which sucks, because I was pretty good last week. But I am going to be better this week. I am still not getting any activity - honestly with my schedule, I can't- but that's ok for now. I am focusing on my food intake. And I have done a few things already this week that I am proud of. I was STARVING on the way home from rehearsal, but I talked myself out of going through some drive through somewhere, and instead waited until I got home and popped a bag of Healthy Choice popcorn. I was off work yesterday (random vacation day) and instead of getting Chinese for lunch like I normally do on my days off, I had leftover chili (about an 11 point difference!).

And my most proud moment - how I dealt with crisis last night. I got a flat tire on my way to rehearsal. I immediately called my director to let him know that I probably wouldn't make it out. He was very understanding, probably because I was on the verge of tears (I don't handle minor crisis very well at first). So I call triple A, because really I was on one of those roads with a million lights and a million shopping centers and while technically, I know how to change a tire, I have AAA, so why get all gross and sweaty and look stupid when AAA has fancy gadgets that will take them 5 minutes to do something that might possibly take me an hour? Plus, I felt I should get my moneys worth out of that, since I would be paying so much for two stupid tires later. Then I start calling around to see who can get me a new tire now, otherwise I would have to wait two days and that was not a good amount of time to be driving around on a spare. I found a place after a couple of failed phone calls (it was 7:30 at this place, most were closed or busy), and the AAA guy was the fastest I have EVER seen AAA be (5-10 minutes, I was seriously impressed). He was cute too. Anyway, I go up there, they are super nice, I get 2 tires (on the economical side, as the Sears guy put it, whatever) and while I was waiting I did a little retail therapy (the clothes depressed me but the seriously marked down purse made me feel better - and I always think lately when I go into the dressing room and get mad at my body and depressed about the size of my arms and thighs "at least I am doing something about it") Anyway, when all that was over, I could have gone home, I had a pass from the director, and I wrestled with what I should do. If I went to rehearsal, I would only be there for the last hour, but if I went home there was a really good chance I would eat a cake (because really, that's my true coping mechanism when dealing with crisis - food) And while I did have 10 points left, good luck finding a cake for 10 points, and lets be honest, there is a good chance I wouldn't have stopped with the cake. So I went to rehearsal, and everyone was really excited to see me, and my mind got past the need to stuff myself to make myself feel better. I did have a glass of wine and a cup cake (ok, 2). But I know know know that it would have been a million times worse had I gone home earlier. I counted for everything (went a couple points over, but I have quite a bit of my weeklies left.

So now I just have to get through this weekend - and my goal is to WRITE EVERY BITE DOWN. Which will be hard since I am going out drinking tonight with a friend, but I have the rest of my weeklies and after planning out my breakfast and lunch so far, I should be ok as long as I stick with light beer. Wish me luck!

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