I am on my second time through Weight Watchers. The first time I lost 101 lbs before who knows what happened and I ended up gaining it all back plus about 5 lbs. This second journey is proving to be way harder than the first, but I'm hoping that bodes well for it sticking - forever. I can't go through that again.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why does the scale taunt me so?!?

So I haven't quit WW, cause I know that's what I would be thinking f someone didn't past for a couple weeks. But I am extremely frustrated. I had this really good week, and I gained .4, which I was just devastated about. I feel like I have to be completely PERFECT to loose anything, which honestly I shouldn't have to be, who's perfect? Anyway, I wasn't derailed until I became extremely sleep deprived (tech week) and then I just got this who cares attitude and ate and ate and ate. The good news? I only gained .4 that week too! WHAT?!? So confused, honestly I deserved a 5 pound gain the way I was eating - but I got on the scale because, for me, if I don't, it snowballs. Getting on that scale in front of someone and having my weight officially recorded is like an auto reset for me. And I am so happy it did - a point 4 gain?!?!

So this week I am back on track. Cooking, eating leftovers, bringing in my little snacks to get me through the day. yesterday I went to Dunkin Donuts because I wanted to get a copy of the City Paper (there was a fabulous review of my current running show in it) and I got a coffee (brought my own cream - I always use one creamer in the morning and count it as a point, but really two of them are a point, so adding another creamer really added no points) and instead of getting a whole donut that I really wanted and would have been 5 points, I got 2 munchkins at 1 point each. I made fiber one banana nut muffins last night because when I come home from rehearsal late at night I often crave a little sweet snack. Normally prepared they are 3 pts each, but I substituted the oil with apple sauce, and I think that made them 2 points each - I tried to figure it out the best I could.

I am seriously considering changing my weigh in day to sat morning. I am not willing to give up my leader who only does my current meeting at that particular center, but Monday nights are hard, man. I have to be super careful over the weekend, and I always end up starving myself on Mondays to get a better weight. That can't be healthy.

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